Quantifiers, Nouns, Articles

Quantifiers, Nouns, Articles

Резултат теста

1. What kind of noun is bread?

2. What kind of noun is advice?

3. What kind of noun is furniture?

4. What kind of noun is people?

5. What kind of noun is teeth?

6. What kind of noun is shelves?

7. What verbs do we use after uncountable nouns?

8. This money ________ for you.

9. . There ___________ much traffic today.

10. There _______ enough eggs to make the cake.

11. I need ________ information about the assignment.

12. My teacher gave me ____________ advice on how to revise.

13. Is there ____________ telephone in this store?

14. I am broke. I don't have _______ money.

15. Would you like ________ orange juice?

16. Can i have ____ sugar for my tea, please?

17. Do we have _____ homework for tomorrow?

18. Do you have ____ digital camera? B: yes. But ____ camera is very old.

19. How _____ cheese do you need for the pie?

20. How ______ cookies are there in the jar?

21. It's very crowded here. There are _____ tourists.

22. We have ______ chairs. Some people will have to stand the whole time.

23. This room is very dark. There's _______ sunlight in here.

24. I ate _____ candy. I have a stomachache now.

25. Why didn't you finish your homework?

26. There's ______ furniture in this room. There isn't any space left.

27. Please, pass _______ salt and pepper.

28. I can do this on my own. I don't need ______ help.

29. There is ______ food in the refrigerator

30. In what kind of sentences do we avoid using much?

31. The land is dry, and plants are dying. There was _____ rain this summer.

32. There isn't ______ food in the house. We need to go grocery shopping.

33. We've got ______ lively pictures from the last holiday.

34. I have only _____ knowledge of French, so I could't understand what he said.

35. I moved here two months ago, and i am lucky to already have ______ friends.