Past Simple, Past Progressive, Used to – test (8.r.)

Past Simple, Past Progressive, Used to

Резултат теста

1. While I ___________ a book in English, my friend __________ an essay in Arabic.

2. What _______________ when the thief broke into your house?

3. Which of the two actions is incomplete?

4. When I ___________ the classroom, the teacher ___________ attendance.

5. Which of the two actions is completed?

6. Find a suitable answer for the question. What were you doing at 8 o'clock last night?

7. While I _______________, I ____________ to spend time with other children.

8. While I _____________ home from university yesterday, I ____________ my old friend from elementary school.

9. Choose a suitable question for the answer - I tried to call the ambulance.

10. Which of the sentences is correct?

11. Emma was washing the dishes __________ her sister was vacuum cleaning.

12. __________ I heard the news, I was fixing my car in the garage.

13. __________you jogging when you hurt your leg?

14. My father ________ the news when he ______ about the earthquake.

15. Which of the two sentences is correct?

16. Choose a suitable question for the answer - She was reading in her bedroom.

17. How many mistakes are there in the sentence: - While I served the cake the electricity went out.