English – Grammar
Резултат теста
1. Which sentence does not contain any adjectives?
2. What is the action verb in this sentence? The eagle built a nest in the top branches of the tree.
3. Complete the sentence with the correct conjunction. Andy plays the violin well, _____ the trumpet is his favorite instrument.
4. How many adjectives are in this example sentence. My best friend lives in a giant house on top of a big green hill.
5. What is the correct pronoun for the sentence below? Julie was going to the store when ___ fell off of her bike.
6. n the example sentence what is the action verb? Shelia asked her teacher "can i have a lollipop?"
7. Mark and Sam said that ___ have to go to school on Friday.
8. What is the adjective in this sentence? Frank will finish the massive book in his backpack.
9. My mom works at a school, __ she takes me with her in the mornings.