Енглески језик: Present Simple vs Past Simple – тест (5.р.)

Енглески језик: Present Simple vs Past Simple

Present Simple Tense

Енглески језик: Present Simple vs Past Simple – тест

Резултат теста

1. The gentleman____________ (speak) to his servant 2 hours ago.

2. The man __________(drive) to the supermarket last weekend.

3. My brothers ___________ (leave) for England last week.

4. Present Simple се користи за опште истине.

5. Који прилози најчешће иду уз Past Simple?

6. My father usually________ (like) his steak well-done.

7. Past Simple користимо да опишемо радње које су се десиле и завршиле у прошлости.

8. Present simple tense је:

9. My sisters _____________ (leave) for England every year in June.

10. Present simple tense се употребљава за радње:

11. The policeman _________ (talk) to the burglar yesterday.

12. My friend __________(talk) a lot every day.

13. The kangaroo always _________ (carry) its baby.

14. The Past Simple Tense je:

15. She ________(go) to Australia in 1994 and she liked it very much.

16. Ben often_______(talk) to Tim.

17. The dog _________ (eat) its toy last night.

18. Који прилози и фразе за учесталост су карактеристичнe за Present Simple tense?

19. I often see her mother but she never ___________ (speak) to me.

20. _____________(you /have) a test last week?