Енглески језик: The Passive: All tenses – тест (7.р.)

Енглески језик: The Passive: All tenses (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Perfect, Modals, Future Simple…)

Резултат теста

1. You were not driving him home.

2. We were watching a movie.

3. Had she solved the problem?

4. Her boyfriend will install it.

5. We have cycled five miles.

6. The police arrested the thieves.

7. He doesn't expect us to offer him the job.

8. Emma was watering the flowers.

9. Somebody cleans the office every day.

10. Has she phoned him?

11. Was she reading these lines?

12. The man stole the blue car.

13. I have eaten a hamburger.

14. Sheila is drinking a cup of tea.

15. Jane will buy a new computer.

16. Had Dorothy solved the problems?

17. My father is washing the car.

18. I had worn blue shoes.

19. She bought four apples.

20. Most African governments protect rhinos.