Енглески језик: Изражавање будућности – тест (6.р.)

Енглески језик: Изражавање будућности ( Future Simple, Going to, Present Continuous)

Резултат теста

1. Oh no ! I forgot to take the map ! Don't worry. I _______ it.

2. He's driving too fast. He__________ an accident.

3. ________ married on Saturday at the local church.

4. I _______ tennis with Novak on Sunday.

5. Look! He _______ the plates.

6. Future Simple Tense користимо за одлуке које доносимо у тренутку говора.

7. All right, I ______ the bill.

8. According to this time table a train_________at 3 o'clock.

9. I can't do my homework tonight. I _______a movie.

10. Tomorrow __________a cold sunny day, according to forecast.

11. One day everybody _______ proper housing.

12. Look, that plane_________!

13. I hope Tom ________ my phone.

14. When we are old, life ________easier.

15. My elder son says he_________a doctor when he grows old.

16. I _______ with you if you like.

17. I have bought a guitar and I _______to play it.