Енглески језик: Direct and reported speech – тест (7.р.)

Енглески језик: Direct and reported speech

Резултат теста

1. He said to me, "Where have you been?"

2. She told me, "He has never written to me before."

3. "I can help you tomorrow."

4. My dad said, "Go to your room at once."

5. My mother said, "Close you eye and open your hands."

6. “I was sleeping when Julie called.”

7. I said to the host, "Can I have another piece of cake."

8. "We went out last night."

9. "I don't like chocolate."

10. The shop assistant asked me, "What size are your shoes?"

11. "I'm coming!"

12. John said, "I am writing a new novel".

13. "She's living in Paris for a few months." -She said she was living in Paris for a few months.

14. Jimmy said, "I own a brand-new sports car."

15. "I visited my parents at the weekend." -She told me she visited her parents at the weekend.

16. The administrator warned us, "Don't walk on the grass".

17. The teacher wondered, "Will she be safe if she goes alone?"