The Future

The Future

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1. This skirt looks great, Amy. Does it? I think I... buy it then.

2. My bag's full. I...lots of clothes.

3. I ... phone everybody and invite them to the party.

4. Do you know Mark's ill in the hospital? Oh no! I... visit him tomorrow.

5. I'm.... really hard next year at school.

6. My brother's ... a musician when he's older.

7. What time are you... to my house?

8. I'm ... tennis with Kate at four.

9. I'm sure you're... to have a great time in Paris.

10. There isn't a bus. Shall we get a taxi? No, we ... walk. It's not far.

11. Ben is .... tomorrow. Let's buy him a present.

12. How are you getting there? We're ... by car.

13. What are you doing this evening? I'm not sure. I ... phone you later.

14. I...visit the Taj Mahal when I go to India next year.

15. I... buy a new suit for the wedding this summer.

16. What would you like to drink? I .. have tea, please.

17. I .. try the new class at the sport centre. Tim says it's great.

18. We ... walk up Mont Blanc this summer.

19. Sarah and Grant are... a race next week.

20. I'm ... a new swimsuit for the beach next week.