Енглески језик: Иницијални тест (7.р.)

Енглески језик: Иницијални тест (7.р.)

Резултат теста

1. If I _____ (sneeze), I will throw my tissue in the trash.

2. I have _______ water left. There's enough to share.

3. It started snowing while I ________ (drive) to work.

4. Look! That man _______ (run) after the bus.

5. If you __________ (get) back late, I _________ (be) angry.

6. He ______ part in several photography competitions.

7. We were watching a movie.

8. I ___________ (still/sleep) when my wife left for work this morning.

9. They ______ in the country, but now they live in the city.

10. I have eaten a hamburger.

11. Jane will buy a new computer.

12. According to this time table a train_________at 3 o'clock.

13. He plays the guitar ______.

14. Roberto _____ in a band.

15. She didn't bring ____________ to the party.

16. I ______ (call) you last night, but you _______ (not answer) the phone.

17. What _____ you ______ now?

18. _________ to Australia?

19. “I was sleeping when Julie called.”

20. I love the sea. I _________ (probably, go) to Greece next summer.

21. Her mom _______ art. She is now retired.

22. Које све кључне речи углавном стоје уз Past Continuous Tense?

23. What music _______ to like when you were a child?

24. Look, that plane_________!

25. Where's Jim? He _______ (watch) TV in his room.

26. She planned their trip to Greece very _______.